Lenin was a strong leader who mastermind the Bolsheviks, took over the Russian power in 1917, and was also first head of the Soviet State. Lenin completed his law degree and then moved to Pittsburgh where he became a professional revolutionist. He then was exhaled to Siberia. Later in western Europe, he became leader of the Bolsheviks. Russia was in need for change. Lenin returned to Russia and started working against the provisional government. The October Revolution began and the Bolsheviks were in control, leading the country. He introduced the New Ecomomic Policy, where a measure of provate enterprise was still permitted. In 1918 Lenin was assessinated for the first time, but managed to survive. A few years later he had a stroke. He began to worry about the increasing power of Joseph Stalin and tried to warn people. Lenin died in 1924. It was him who helped creat the Russian Civil war, changed Russia. He plays a big part in todays history and we will never forget the mark he made.
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