U.S.President Richard Nixon resigned due to the huge scandal caused by the break in at the Watergate building. "Watergate" is a term used to describe the scandals of 1972 and 1974. A number of Richard Nixon's administration were involved in "the plumbers unit" which was originally set up to "plug in leaks". The court release of August 1974 of the " smoking gun tape" lead to Nixon's resign of Presidency. A letter, one of the convicted burglars wrote to Sirica discussing the cover up of the Nixon government resulted in a huge scandal which is now referred to as the Watergate Scandal. On June 17, 1972 the police stopped seven men attempting to break in a wiretap Democratic Party office and were later convicted. All seven men were employees of President Nixon's Campaign to Re-elect the President. After the break, many things began to unwind, the existence of a White House dirty tricks squad, an enemies list, a plumbers unit to plug leaks and a secret campaign slush fund related with the CPR (Committee to Re-elect the President) , the people involved were all convicted and served time for their actions. President Richard Nixon was the first and only president to have ever been forced out of Presidency for bad actions. His actions made people aware and more cautious on the line of government. Voters paid close attention to the issues and candidates after this huge scandal.
When your in the government you have a responsibility to protect and do whats right for your people and your country. Nixon's actions were both immature and selfish in the sense of not thinking of this country and his people but only for himself.
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