Taylorism comes from a man named Frederick Taylor. Frederick Taylor wrote The Principals Of Scientific Management in 1911. "The principal object of management should be to secure maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with maximum prosperity for the employee", was what Frederick Taylor said. He organized a way to develop a science for every job. This would include proper rules and working conditions. He would pick workers with the right abilities for the job and train them properly. Jobs would be simplified enough so that workers could be trained well enough to create a routine motion in the best way. He would watch the workers and make sure everything is run smoothly.
Although it was criticized because it was thought that it dehumanized work and eliminated craftsmanship, this system we still use today. It has lead us to a fast efficiency in production.
I think that taylorism is a good idea because workers don't have to focus on many things. All they need to focus on is one thing and so they don't need to worry about other things. It increases production to be faster.
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